Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Runner's Journey : Post Race Blues

Post Race Blues

There is that period of time after a race that leaves one feeling a bit down and lost. When you combine that with being over fifty it is like you are in the middle of another mini life crisis. It can be a challenge to bring yourself back to normal life again. You have trained for so many weeks leading up to the race . So  much time and effort has been put into it. You have probably received some praise and attention during that time with people asking you how the training is going etc. Sometimes it can be negative attention too. A spouse telling you that too much of your time is spent passing through miles than taking care of your responsibilities at home. Then Race day comes and all the trials and tribulations that you underwent during training disappear. You are in the moment. You are on the start line . There are other racers all around you with that same look that you feel in their eyes. This is a runner's high infrequently talked about. This is Race day!

The peak of that high is the finish line. You are on top of the world and friends with everybody and the world that isn't making you move feels amazing. You have a true sense of the munchies too and can't wait to eat. It is then that you could slip into the Post Race Blues .

That's the end now what? 
  • sign up for another race if you haven't already at the expo?
  • swear off running forever?
  • curse yourself for ever getting involved with running?
  • sign up for a marathon?
  • move on to another item on the bucket list?
Yes to them all.
You are free . You just ran a fucking Half Marathon. You can do whatever you please now because you are part of the elite people who have ran one. I signed up for more races and did that for a couple years straight. It was an amazing fun journey and unless you are in a runner's club a solitary journey at that.

What is next on The Runner's Journey?
I have taken two weeks off pretty much having gone to the gym only a couple times since the race. My plans are no races till fall. I am not a fan of training in the summer and once the temps start hitting the 90s it is inside stuff for me. So I am going to concentrate on strength training with weights. I am going to combine that with a clean healthy diet and come into the next training cycle ready and strong. Running has and will make The Journey after 50 the best one yet!
Happy Running!

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